— CHRISTIAN BALE / кристиан бэйл —
44 года ★ актер ★ гетеро

невероятно талантливый, разноплановый актер, коллега многих из уже присутствующих, в том числе и обоих моих персонажей —
кейси аффлека и юэна макгрегора; готов предложить как минимум приятельство, но запросто заберу в друзья и обеспечу игрой.
кейси о кристиане [для онгличан]
Then I was there with him and he just never has a false moment. You just look in his eyes and he seems like a real person who’s really saying these things. He really cares about you or doesn’t care about you, or whatever it is that he’s supposed to be doing, and it was unnerving. So for the first few days I went home and felt terrible — like a fraud. And then I sort of fell into the groove with him.
I remember saying to him on the first day, “I’m really sorry, man. I just feel totally lost in the scene.” And he perked up and said, “Oh great! Lost is a really good thing to feel!” And I thought like, Ok, I”m in great hands with this guy. He’s one of my favorites.
и небольшой бонус с панели общего фильма, который показывает, что кристиан любит поорать над кейси до слез
casey talks with such a passion about his favorite animation film ratatouille
and christian, zoe and scott сan not stop giggling because they find it so sweet how he talks about it